Flipkart Version Histories

We have mirrored versions of Flipkart APK files. It will help you to upgrade or downgrade Flipkart easily.

Flipkart APK 5.2 can be downloaded and installed easily on your cell phone. Make sure that the cell phone is supported with Android for the operating system. Choose the latest version if you want the fully developed features. There is no…

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Here is available versions:

  1. Latest version: Flipkart APK 5.2 (Updated: November 30, 2016)
  2. Flipkart 5.1 APK Android (Updated: July 13, 2016)
  3. Flipkart 5.0 APK Android (Updated: June 22, 2016)
  4. Flipkart 4.6 APK Android (Updated: May 16, 2016)
  5. Flipkart 4.5 APK Android (Updated: April 27, 2016)

Note: APKRec.com uses APKRec cloud storage for quick file storage and downloading.