Cut the Rope: Magic Version Histories

We have mirrored versions of Cut the Rope: Magic APK files. It will help you to upgrade or downgrade Cut the Rope: Magic easily.

Cut the Rope: Magic APK 1.4.0 is a game for Android made by Zeptolab. It has released the new version. This game allows you to enter magical world to overcome puzzle levels which provides a new hundred puzzles. This series of…

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Here is available versions:

  1. Latest version: Cut the Rope: Magic APK 1.4.0 (Updated: July 17, 2016)
  2. Cut the Rope: Magic 1.1.0 APK Android (Updated: July 17, 2016)
  3. Cut the Rope: Magic 1.0.0 APK Android (Updated: July 10, 2016)

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